Does Chlorine Affect Your Tattoo

Does Chlorine Affect Your Tattoo

Oct 06, 2022NS Marketing

Tattoos and chlorine water – what to know.

Have you ever gone to take a dip in a pool, not long after getting a tattoo and thought ‘I wonder if the water will affect my tattoo?’

Well, as it turns out, chlorine and other chemicals used in pools can have damaging effects on your new ink.

So, to make it a little easier next time you go to dive right in, we’ve laid out everything you need to know about tattoos and chlorine. Basically, Don't DO IT! hahaha.

What does chlorine do to new tattoos?

Before throwing on your bathers and leaping into the pool, it is essential to allow your tattoo to heal entirely, as contact with chlorine can cause various complications. As with any open wound, the chemicals in chlorine water can have the following risk on your new tattoo:

Risk of infection

Submerging your tattoo in chlorine water can expose it to harmful bacteria that can irritate the wound and cause infection.

Damage to your tattoo

Not only can the onset of infection alter the design of your tattoo but chlorine is a very harsh chemical that can cause discolouration and fading to new tattoos.

Prolong the healing process

Reactions to chlorine can bring about more itching, flaking, and scabbing to your tattoo than usual.

Skin irritation

Exposure to chlorine can also cause uncomfortable stinging and pain to the tattoo area.

Other painful symptoms

It is also likely to experience rashes, blistering, crusting, and swelling to the tattooed area.

Does Chlorine Fade Tattoos?

If you have old tattoos, you don't have to worry about chlorine potentially fading your design as the ink has already connected with the skin. However, if you have fresh ink, avoiding chlorine will ensure your design remains vibrant and full of colour.

Jumping into a swimming pool before your tattoo has healed will affect the design as the chemicals can leach ink from the skin, leaving it less vibrant and harder to heal. As such, it is highly recommended that you stay away from chlorine to maintain the aesthetic value and quality of your tattoo.

How long after a tattoo can you swim in chlorine?

You can swim in chlorine once your tattoo has fully healed, which usually takes up to 4 weeks. Ensure you follow a proper aftercare routine, such as applying the Ink Nurse remedy cream on your tattoos for more efficient healing.

Once your tattoo has healed, and the ink has absorbed into your skin, you can make the most of your swims in the pool again.

However, if you have already come into contact with chlorine – there's no need to panic. Instead, simply wash your tattoo with water and keep your eyes open for any signs of trouble. This includes tenderness, blisters, redness that spreads, or even a fever and contact a doctor if symptoms progress. In addition, avoid further exposure until 2-4 weeks have passed.

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