tattoo aftercare
Looking after your tattoo can feel like a daunting and arduous process, so here’s Ink Nurse’s ultimate tattoo aftercare guide to ensure you have a healing experience.
helpful tips
some guidance for the early days of tattoo careStart your healing process when you arrive home from your appointment by making sure you wash your tattoo under gentle warm water with a skin friendly soap or antibacterial wash. Always air or pat dry the area with a fresh paper or clean towel.
Depending on the location of the tattoo, you may choose to rewrap it to avoid contact with surfaces, clothing and objects. When you go to bed, it’s advised to wrap the tattoo with our tattoo wrap to ensure that any fluid from your tattoo doesn't leak onto your bed sheets.
As you unwrap your tattoo, you will notice that it may appear slimy or covered with an inky fluid but do not stress, this is completely normal!
Once your tattoo is thoroughly washed and dried, it’s time to apply a thin layer of Ink Nurse. Always make sure that you’re covering your tattoo evenly and always spot test before applying all over.
Repeat this washing, drying and applying process as many times as you feel comfortable with during the day, there is no such thing as too much Ink Nurse!
Thankfully Ink Nurse’s remedy cream, when used correctly, allows your tattoo to breathe so that it does not smother your healing process.
day 3Repeat Day 2
day 4You will start to notice that your tattoo might be a bit flaky, similar to when you get a bad sunburn. DO NOT pick at your skin as this will most likely lead to a nasty infection. Make sure to only touch your tattoo with clean hands.
Allow the tattoo to ‘flake off’ naturally and if some areas begin to scab, Ink Nurse’s remedy cream will help the area soften so these flakes can fall naturally.
Ink Nurse is well known for being the product that “skips the itchy phase” of a tattoo healing process, so this dreaded itchy, flaky phase, shouldn’t cause too much discomfort for you and your tattoo healing process!
As you reach the end of your healing cycle, you will notice that almost all of the dead skin on your tattoo would have disappeared by the first week. It may appear shiny during the second week but this will progressively settle within the first month.
The best way to keep your tattoo healthy is by keeping it clean and using Ink Nurse’s remedy cream religiously for the first month and then regularly from then on.
Remember that it takes 6 months for your tattoo to fully settle into the epidermis layer of your skin and that keeping your skin nourished is the only way to achieve the best and brightest result.
- Absolutely no swimming! This includes pools, lakes, the ocean or any large body of water.
- Do not submerge your tattoo in water! This means no baths, however, showers are okay.
- No direct sunlight! If you stand in the sun with your tattoo exposed, not only will it burn but it will disfigure your tattoo.
- No excessive sweating! Do not exercise for the first 5 days after receiving your tattoo as it needs to pass through the peeling phase. Avoid any movement that might cause trauma to the area as this can lead to infection, scabbing or a rough heal.
- Avoid tight-fitting clothes! Your tattoo could be smothered and sweat, sticking to the fabric and cause harm to your tattoo as you try to peel your clothes off. It is important to let your tattoo breathe for the first week. – No fragrances! Do not use scented soaps, moisturisers or perfumes.
- No dirt! Don’t allow any dust or dirt to touch your tattoo. Ensure your tattoo is clean to make for a happy heal.