Jun 09, 2021Jason Taylor





Jason Taylor, Founder of Ink Nurse sit's down with LIAM DALE AKA EKOS for a chat!

JT) EKOS! Tell me, what’s happening with you in Quake City right now?

LD) Man! Right now I'm dealing with an unfortunate break from tattooing from an injury, its super whack but that's life huh?! I've been spending a lot of time with family and easing back in to the shop and drawing etc, very excited to be back in full swing!

JT) For those who might not know, tell us all a bit about what you do and all you have going on in life right now. From tattooing to a clothing line to a gin company, you’re a busy man, tell us more! (Oh and we can’t forget, you’re our main man/distributor of Ink Nurse for NZ)

LD) So I tattoo full time and I'm blessed to be able to kick it with my homies most days at the shop (BLIST TATTOO). I have a 1 year old son and a partner who I'm sure I annoy with how many things I have on the go at times. I'm lucky she puts up with me! Hahaha. 


Forthluck Gin is the Gin company I've been working on, that's coming soon brother! We're in the early stages right now just getting all of our ducks in a row, so we can push for a solid launch when the time is right. I do this with 3 business partners, who are pretty much family to me. They're super positive people I look up to, so it's really exciting going through the motions! 

Also, Super hyped to be a part of the INK NURSE FAM! I have to shout out my brother Jay Boogy for linking us up and his positive influence on me when I was younger living in Melbourne. He looked out for me, for real!  

JT) When did you first start tattooing and how did you find it when you were first starting out in the industry?

LD) I started tattooing around 2010 in Melbourne. Back then it was hardcore, trying to go in to shops asking to learn, was wild. You really needed to know someone back then. I persisted and soon met a few great people that took me under their wing, Jay being one of them. 

JT) Tell me about the tattoo industry and community as a whole in New Zealand?

LD) Honestly, the industry here in NZ is rad. The convention here is sick. A lot of really cool, down to Earth, talented people. Of course there are some egotistical weirdos that come with it, like everywhere these days Hahaha. But, I love New Zealand tattoos, some Ta Moko artists here are so insane, the culture here is super deep.

JT) Was there ever a time or moment, that had you second guessing your career choice?

LD) Shieeet! I've had plenty of times where the goings been tough, with tattooing and art, trying to make a living, but I never wanted to give up because I love it so much. I couldn't really see myself doing anything else. If I ever did, it would still be somewhat creative.

JT) Tell us more about B List! Personally, I’m a big fan of the catch line “Well Known, Not Yet Famous.” How did this all come together and what’s the goal and vision for B.List?

LD) So myself and 2 of the brothers opened up a shop in the hood where we grew up, back in 2016 and it was a rugged little shop, that's for sure! Hahaha. 

B.LIST was thought up by the bro, Rikki. He had run a small run of tees before this, but it made sense to make it a clothing store as well. Our other bro has developed a lot of the design work you see today too. So we started building the brand up from there.

WKNYF: just reminds us to stay humble and continue being the underdogs.
As a team we have been through some testing times, still do, but what I love about us, is we have had the same people from day one. A few people come and go, but when it comes down to it, everyone has each others back. 

Currently we are focusing on tightening up business operations and moving forward with the times to push our brand out there more. We're blessed to have a lot of support around NZ, we especially have a big presence in Christchurch. It's super cool when you see random people that you don't even know rocking our stuff. Moving forward, we're looking to push it as far as we can around the world and hopefully collaborate with some cool people.

JT) Tell us the best thing about your city and New Zealand as a whole and why people should visit.

LD) The best thing about our city is B.List! Haha man it's home to me, so I love it for who I have here and that. As far as visiting NZ, the country is beautiful if you're in to exploring nature etc. I'd say Queenstown is my favourite place to go for a holiday or trip.

JT) What can we all look forward to seeing from you in 2021/2022?

LD) Getting this Gin on the shelves NZ wide, and then AUS! I want to focus on doing some more big tattoo work too. Also, keep bringing the heat with the brothers at B.List! Can't forget, pushing Ink Nurse hard throughout NZ and just being a family man.


JT) Thanks for your time, Liam. 

LD) Thanks bro, really appreciate it! 


Make sure you support New Zealand artists and the tattoo community by checking all the links in the article and visiting our NZ website.


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